Westar Energy - Jeffrey Energy Center
scope of work:
Southern Environmental, Inc. provided detailed engineering, material supply, fabrication, construction and start-up services. SEI/ELEX rigid discharge electrodes and High Frequency Switch-Mode Power Supplies were utilized to achieve increased collection efficiency within the same footprint. In addition to the rebuilds, SEI also performed several structural studies for Westar, as well as designed and installed the proper reinforcement needed to accommodate the higher draft system pressures requested.
3 Units - 750 MW Coal fired Power Boiler
Project Duration:
8 week outage on each unit
Detailed Engineering in the following disciplines:
Fabrication and Construction Services:
ESP Fabrication
Field Technical Support
Mechanical Construction
Insulation Installation
Electrical Installation
Emissions Guarantee:
0.015 lb/mmBTU Inlet Gas Flow: 3,706,000 ACFM at 350F per unit